Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10 days

WOW! in only 10 days we will (God willing) be flying off to Israel with the three Goons. Lists are being made, and changed...and changed again. Clothing is being put aside as it comes out of the wash. Dreams of places to visit are making their ways to the forefront on our brains....and in all this there is a nasty cold going around school so Magoo is now being home schooled until we leave, in total 4 weeks (while we are away as well).

So today was hospital tests, no word really on that, and our first at home day. Magoo was so dedicated and managed to get 2 days work done in math & English so we were able to go to Apps Mill for a lovely 1.5 hour hike. The rest of the day was spent helping a friend on a history diorama...such fun.
Now I am off to get more done, prepare for school work tomorrow and semi-transform the dining room into a home schooling where did we put that chalk board we got 2 yrs ago that I knew would come in handy!

Oh and heads up we will be blogging while in Israel so stay tuned!


Jenna said...

Hope our paths cross before you go. We have something for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely to read all your adventures!