Yesterday our adventure involved:
A) a pond
B) vegetation
C) ban on photography
Can you guess? After a lesson on art history, we headed to the Musee D'Orangrie, which used to be the greenhouse where orange trees were grown for the gastronomic pleasure of the royalty. It is a small museum, and the cheapest, so I figured that it would be a good fit for us to tackle on our own.
We wound our way through some back roadTulleries. Crossing over that we noticed many school groups and a light bulb went on in my head that it was probably a field trip day since it was the Thursday before easter. Oh well. Thankfully there were only 2 groups actually in the museum.
s, making our way past the tourist junk and bustling sidewalks, following our recently discovered shortcut to the
We learnt the importance of saving time by pre-purchasing our tickets online, and then we were in. As a side note, most museums allow children under 18 in for free - which definitely helps out! Wish it were this way in Canada.
After a reminder on behaviour in the exhibit, we walked into the first of 2 stark white oval rooms, lite from giant skylight tunnels in the roof above our heads. They were stunning! Monet's waterlilies were simply gorgeous in their simplicity and depth. The old me would have wept at having to walk through and not stop and sit on the benches provided and sketch, but the mother played I-spy with the children and we made our way through and back again before Sausage caused a disturbance. Monkey's favourite was "sunset", Magoo's "water lilies on a clear day with willow trees" and Helper "clouds".
Since they were being so good, we decided to head into the basement to look at the other collections. And in the second room we came across our fist um painting with a lady in her all-togethers! oy! right, art....oh bother me. So stern instructions to look to this way and that and the ground were relaid back to the children and we got through there.
The children all choose their favourite in postcard form to copy for Art and we picked up a great book on Monet's paintings for our homeschooling next year.
On our way back through the Tulleries, we of course had to stop at the playground, and were surprised when the black clouds that had been trailing us since we exited the museum opened up and proceeded to snow instead of rain!
So home we went, dinner made, readings done and tucked into bed :-)
Today is simply preparation for the weekend. The shops will be closed until Monday so we have been to the bakery for chocolate croissants for breakfast and 2 baguette. After sausage wakes up from a very late nap we will be heading out to the grocery store as well. It seemed odd making a list for 4 days instead of 2 now that we are used to the every second day shopping. Here is a photo of the toy MALL that is simply too close. We've walked through 3 times but so far have managed to only pick up paints for their art project :-) so far!
Tomorrow we are hoping to get to Napoleon's grave and then Sunday we are going to be able to get to a Meeting and have Memorial service. The brethren and sisters are meeting in Paris and there are also some visiting from the UK. So instead of logging in, we will be taking the Metro to break bread. We are all very Happy about this!
A Dimein
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