Monday, March 22, 2010

Outside my Window...
Grey skies

I am Thinking...
The house is too quite!

I am thankful for...
The house being sold and wonderful news from dearest of friends!

From the kitchen...
Currant Cake for a tired teacher

I am Wearing...
The blue grey skirt we got in Jerusalem

I am Creating...

I am Going...
to clean the house up at some point...ha!

I am Reading...
Psalm 24

I am Hoping...
For Yhwh's blessing on a new mother

I am Hearing...
The furnace kicking on

Around the House...

One of my favorite things...
Cuddles with Olive Plants!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Verse that Kept me up Last Night:

"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth." Psalm 127:4

Some of the aspects that were turning around in my head:

You have to make the arrows straight

The Bow has to be staight

The Aim has to be in the right direction

The Target has to be the right one

I see a huge study coming out of this one. Anyone want to join me?

ps: the house is going.....we're leaving it in Yhwh's hands and praying a lot!