"Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose heart are the ways to Zion." Psalm 84:5
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wake up people, over 10,000 rockets fired into a country the size of NJ during the time of the so called "truce" .Cities under besige and people living in bomb shelters and schools closed, if this happened to NJ the USA wouldn't have waited as long as Israel did to get control of the situation! The double standards are simply wrong!
"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12:1-3
check this out!!! http://bakadiary.blogspot.com/
Saturday, December 27, 2008
1) Very, very well done (black) latkes for the first night of Channukah
2) Hiding Hubby's gift and getting the Goons to keep it a secret
3) Drinking hot tea watching the snow fall
4) 4 snow storms in the space of 4 days! = 3 ft of snow and "snow dunes" in the back yard where the Goons could sled
5) Good visits with loved ones
6) Watching Hubby explain our readings in Zechariah to Magoo
7) Sprout sleeping again....(only up 3 times per night)
8) Sewing matching dresses for the girls
9) Having Magoo home for 3 weeks (one more to go)
10) Baked Apple Pie straight from the oven
and right now we are taking a quick break from organizing the whole house! yehaw! Pics to follow soon!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I been sitting waiting to blog about something that happened over the weekend.
I've read in the Bible and sat through many many classes on the fact that we must be separate and live our lives in a way that would please God. I got a lesson on Saturday!
The Goons and I were heading out to get some gifts for family. As an aside, before we left I told them who we were buying for and that we must not act like Achan (Joshua 7) and be greedy. Letting them help choose the gifts is a great was to get rid of the "gimme's"
We piled into the car (while Hubby was working on an article for The Bible Magazine) and after strapping in all 3 we pulled out onto the street and started driving along.
"Mommy, are we going to the place with the bad stores?" Magoo asked as we pulled onto the highway. Well in the back of my mind I was wondering what to do about going to the BIG mall in the large city about 45 minutes from us. See the last time we all went (about a year ago) there was larger then life disgusting ads.....basically naked people! all over the mall. "oh dear" I thought, what to do. Magoo has been blessed with a great memory, obviously from that coment, and notices EVERYTHING. So instead we went to the small local mall and managed to find the gifts (pjs, coffee maker, sugar free chocoate).
I used to make sure I was dressed nice and all for going out, I guess I wanted to fit in and look the part, now with 3 Goons to get out in one piece I'm just happy to be clean and tasteful. So it never crossed my mind that I looked different. All through the mall there was the usual short mini skirts with leggings (never understood that one), tight tight jeans, belly tops (why in winter????) and such. Nearly everyone was in black too....never noticed that before. Anyways we were getting a few looks, kind looks from the grandma type, weird "that lady is got to be kidding" from the hip crowd. I never thought of it until I got home and mentioned it to hubby.
"Ofcourse" was his reply "you are wearing a long denim skirt, modest top, have a baby in a pouch on you, the girls are in dresses, 2 kids holding hands and singing (mostly Bible songs) instead of fighting as you are walking through the mall...you are going to get looks!"
Never thought of that. I've always respected the Mennonites (we live near many of them) and Jews as they show by their dress that they are different and separate from the world around. I've wondered how come we don't. Now I realize that in simply dressing modestly and having children that are well behaved and happy shows that you are different.
"but according as He who did call you is holy, ye also, become holy in all behaviour," 1Peter 1:15 YLT
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
This morning we jumped out of bed and headed to Mum & Dad B's for a yummy breakfast....complete with wonderful sisters, the babies and fresh waffles! Then off to a dear friend's for lunch (yummy yummy fajita soup!) and a great visit!
Tonight we are heading back to Mum & Dad B's for dinner...chicken! and the Goons have been well behaved...
Only thing missing.....my HUSBAND :-(
Monday, December 08, 2008
The rules are I have to list 10 things I'm thankful for and then tag 5 other people. :)
I am Thankful For:
1) The Husband God has given me!
2) Our three olive plants aka: the Goons
3) CHC for Magoo (Christadelphian Herritage Colledge)
4) My amazing In-Laws (especially this week as it is another Deleware week!)
5) Fresh asparagus
6) "Wild and Wacky but Totally True Bible Stories" tapes
7) Starbucks kids Hot Chocolate (at $1.00 each you can take them for a treat!)
8) Being part of an amazing Ecclesia that really supports us young families
9) Living in a part of the globe where we can experience all 4 drastically different seasons (yes, i do love snow!)
10) The Kitchen Aid stand mixer that Hubby got me last year, we use it each and everyday and no longer buy bread!
OKAY...I tag the 4 followers of this blog and Anna: http://ccostello.blogspot.com/
Friday, December 05, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
So here I sit, half an hour before Hubby is expected home and I am not running around like an insane headless chicken. For the first 7 years of our marriage the hour before dinner was, well how do I put this nicely....um crazy, insane, STRESSED, usually involved me getting frustrated and yelling at the Goons. Starting a few months ago we tried something different around this little Bet-el. At 4:30 I decide what to cook for dinner and start it! even if it is pasta (such as tonight) I cut up the veggies (we eat a LOT of veggies) and get all the prep done so that hopefully dinner is ready and cooked about 15-20 minutes before Hubby gets home. WHY? you ask, well that gives me enough time to wash the pots and pans, wipe down the kitchen and dining room table and get the Goons (aged 3 & 5) to help Mama set the table. Otherwise I wouldn't have the patience to let them help me and I believe in the wise words of Solomon "Train Up A Child In the Way He Should Go".
Yeah, you are right that is speaking spiritually but I think it also applies to the dull, humdrum stuff too!
This afternoon was sisters class. Wonderful study on the Unclean and Clean Animals as found in Leviticus 11. So many good thoughts to chew on (pun fully intended!). Since Sprout fell asleep at Mums I got the whole class and then an hour visiting over a cup of tea and scones! Bliss!
So now the Goons are happily playing upstairs in the playroom and the downstairs is tidy (well, as tidy as a home with 3 Goons ever is!) and dinner is ready for Hubby to walk in and eat!
On to another subject: the Family Meal. As you may know Hubby has been working late when at home. I struggled with the debate over whether to feed the Goons before he gets home but have decided on another course of action. We all have a substantial snack mid-afternoon. Fruit & cheese, crackers, the odd piece of chocolate...toast & pb. Then the Goons and Mummy are content and happy to wait until 6 or 6:30pm to eat together.
We have found that eating (and praying together of course) really helps bind us together. We all (even the Goons) chat about our day, the ups and downs, laugh at the Goons jokes and such. After we clear the table we head straight into the living room for the daily Bible Readings. Which is a wonderful way to begin and end the day, but I'll save that for another post. It is time to turn on the outside lights (as the sun set an hour ago) and get myself looking nice to Welcome Hubby home too.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
1) Having already done and put away the groceries
2) God has blessed D with a good job so I can buy heathy above groceries for the family
3) Magoo can go to CHC (Christadelphian Heritage College) since homeschool just wouldn't work right now
4) My sister Leah calling just to chat this morning
5) Our warm, comfy house
6) Its snowing outside!
7) PC Canadian Coffee
8) Being able to breastfeed Sprout
9) Hubby being home this week, last week and next week!
10) Little House in the Big Woods story time with the Goons each night
opps thats 10 things! Off to pick up Magoo now!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bold the things you’ve done.
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band (does highschool count?)
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang/played a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language (tried Hebrew...still working on that one!)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (indorr count?)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David in person
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance (with Magoo when he was 3)
47. Had your portrait painted (in higschool, actually its in the yearbook)
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Gotten flowers for no reason (only once!)
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy (Wrinkles dog)
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar (Gross)
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person (preggy with Sprout#1)
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible (once every year....want a copy of the daily planner?)
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating--Ewww! I hope I NEVER have to do this!
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous (David Wilder, spokesperson from Heborn count?)
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Made a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake (but I have swam in the Dead Sea)
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday I get this call "Mrs. __________, we have in our records that your furnace needs to be inspected. We will be in the area tomorrow and have some spaces still avalible...blah blah blah"
Now normally any kind of call like this I put off for the Husband to deal with, but he has had so much on his mind with work going insane and the regular issues that a serving brother in the ecclesia must care for and family chaos, that I decided to handle this myself. I'm a big girl afterall and all it is is a furnace inspection, and they said they were a division of the company that services out hot water tank.
So yesterday at 9:45 (15 min early) the doorbell rings and this guy is standing there, and before I can even look at his name tag the Baby starts her "I'm breaking 3 more teeth scream" and so I invite him in and explain where the furnace is. He is down for maybe 10 minutes and then needs me to show him a cold air return (first signal) so I show him the one in the dining room and then he needs to see one upstairs....the only one upstairs is in the master bedroom. I take him upstairs and he just sorta peeks in...hmmmm.....any ways so we are talking the the kitchen and he writes up a "report" for me. Finally I get a minute to look at his name tag and all it is, is his name and the name of the company typed on a piece of white paper laminated, no logo, regular font, looks completely fake. The "report" is a photocopied sheet of paper that has the address and company name and # on the top..... looks very UNprofessional....and they had told me they were a division of the gas company.....
so yeah, I had to get him OUT OF THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW! so Baby screamed again and i told him he had to go. I would "think about it". He said that if I take the opening for today for 8:30 am then it would be half price, blah blah blah.
So I'm freaking out. In our area there have been a lot of theft, produce from the farms, tobacco from the drying sheds, a tractor, and we've been warned that they think they are working in gangs and are armed....
Yeah I freaked.
So I went to my dear MIL for dinner and they had the speaker for Bible class over as well and he took the time to research the company on the web. We did a reverse phone number look up....not a buisness number. There is a buisness at the address but it is a Christmas Decorating store! and the cell number the guy gave is from Toronto.
So today I need to get the kids watched and get myself down to the local police station and report this fraud.
Needless to say I didn't sleep at all all night as I was worried that our house had been cased for a robbery....if it was he was disappointed as we have nothing of real $ value. Even our computer is about 5 yrs old.
Lesson learn't! Always take the time before letting some guy into your house to check everything out, even if the baby is screaming her preety little lungs out.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Yep, another week without Hubby has begone. He left at 6 am this morning to go to the airport. The Goons are getting so well at Daddy being gone, that that in itself is depressing. We've been blessed that this week we have a dear friend...Jenna, staying with us to keep us all upbeat and cheery. The end is in sight though, which is great. I had a bit of a breakdown on Sunday after memorial as the idea of another week without him home was just simply too much to bear. God willing after this week he will be able to be home for three weeks in a row and then only a couple more trips before this stage of the project is done.
Oh, and this morning there was white fluffy stuff in the sky! So the Goons and I did our Happy Snow dance!
Monday: Pumpkin Soup (h), Fresh rolls, Tossed Salad, Apple Crisp(h) (we are having visitors)
Tuesday: Spagetti, Tomatoe Sauce using our frozen tomatoes (h), zuchinni (h)& shredded carrots (h)
Wednesday: Fahitas (l) (h)
Thursday: Don't have to cook! - invited out! yehaw!
Friday: Roast Beef with all the fixings (h)
Saturday: Ham, Scalloped potatoes (l), peas, pumpkin pie (we are having visitors)
Sunday: Tuna, mushroom soup, mixed veggie caserole
(l=local farm produce from within 20 km, h=our own harvest from our small veggie garden)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
We are so excited to have a special visitor coming to stay....um she's arriving tonight!
oh my!
Kitchen floor - scrubbed and dried
Dining Room furniture - wiped down
Playroom - transformed into guest bedroom
Bread - baked and oh so yummy! (Goons taste tested)
Menu - planned
Groceries - bought and sorted
Laundry - washed.....needs to be put away
All that is left is vacuming and ........................the 2 + 1/2 bathrooms oh my!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Monday: Roast Chicken, Mashed potatoes (l), roasted pumpkin (h), peas
Tuesday: Veggies Stew (h) & Fresh Bread
Wednesday: Spagetti, Tomatoe Sauce using our frozen tomatoes (h), zuchinni (h)& shredded carrots (h)
Thursday: Roast Beef, raosted potatoes (l), carrots (h), beans (h) (switch to Friday if Jenna arrives Friday)
Friday: Fahitas
Saturday: Veggie Stew (h) & Pull-apart Herb rolls
Sunday: Ham, Scalloped potatoes (l), peas, apple pie
(l=local farm produce from within 20 km, h=our ouw harvest from our small veggie garden)
The painting is done in the playroom...now if only I could find the camera I could show it to you all!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We are in the middle of yet another "Deleware Week" for those that don't know this means that Hubby is away Monday (5:30am) to Friday (7pm) on buisness. Since the beginning of September this has happened every 2 weeks but we are hoping that after the next trip he will be able to stay home for 2 weeks inbetween trips.
Since it is so cold out, and since I have to keep myself busy so that I don't burst out in tears from missing Hubby I've desided to get down to buisness and work on a lot of unfinished projects. For my sister's birthday (tomorrow) I've made a series of mini barley bags so that she can take them with her in her travels as she just recieved a new job of stewardess on an airline. A funky hat and scarf complete the gift!
After I sign off I will start cutting out the fabric for one of the cloth bags that I mentioned in the last post. I'm thinking of using the Toile and a grey/blue fabric...hopefully the go well toether!
Oh and the mural in the playroom is finally penciled out and ready for some paint (after 2 years).
Jiffy rolls are in the oven and my dear SIL and a friend from the Ecclesia are coming over for tea in about an hour so I must fly but here is a wonderful recipe for get togethers:
Jiffy Cinnamon Rolls:
All-purpose flour 2 cups
Granulated sugar 2 tbsp
Baking powder 4 tsp
Salt 1 tsp
Cold butter or margarine 1/4 cup
Cold milk 1 cup
Butter or margarine, softened 1/3 cup
Brown sugar, packed 1cup
Cinnamon 1 tbsp
currants or cut up raisins 1/3 cup
In a large bowl put flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in first amount of butter until crumbly. Make a well in the center.Pour milk into well. Stir to form soft dough adding a bit more milk if needed. Turn out on lightly floured surface. Knead 8 to 10 times. Roll into rectangle about 1/3 inch(1cm) thick and 12 inches(30 cm) long.
Cream second amount of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon together well. Drop 1 measuring teaspoon (5 ml) into each of 12 greased muffin tins. Sprinkle currants over top. Roll up as for jelly roll. Mark first then cut into 12 slices. Place cut side down in muffin pan.
Bake in 400*F (200* C) oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Turn out on tray. Makes 12.Glaze: To 1/2 cup(125ml) icing sugar, add enough milk or water to make a thin glaze. drizzle over cinnamon rolls.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday: Ratatouille, Holishkes, Rice & Challah Bread (Last Great day of the Feast of Tabernacles)
Wednesday: Hot Sandwich Loaf (Cheese & Tomatoe filling)
Thursday: Garden Salad & Fresh Pitas
Friday: Baked Bean Pie
Saturday: Roast Beef, Pepper Squash, Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Brussel Sprouts
Sunday: Quchie, Garden Salad, Boiled Potatoes & Fresh Rolls
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I love how Hubby took a couple hours away from important work to help us all...oh how blessed I am to have been given the gift of him as my husband from God.
How are your harvests coming? The apples are in the fridge, the beans drying and waiting to be shacked..fruit sauce is bubbling away on the stove top.
Oh what a great blessing the time for Fall is! oh and yep, killer frost desended on our garden Monday night was forcasted.
Tomorrow we are planning on visiting the local farm stand to get our 50 lb bag of local potaotes and some more apples for the winter!
Hugs to the few who stop by!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Feel free to do as well!
Aprons–y/n If y, what does your fave look like? Yes, my fav is one from the UK that has pictures, names and the verse of all the plants mentioned in the Bible
Baking–Bread, yummy warm bread! um and scones
Clothes line? Supposed to be putting one in, in the spring
Donuts–never made them, the frying part scares me!
Everyday–One homemaking thing you do every day? dishes & laundry
Freezer–Do you have a separate deep freeze?yep, got it for $10! so instead of canning we freeze everything
Garbage Disposer?No
Handbook–What is your favorite homemaking resource? my grandmother and mother in law
Ironing–Love it or Hate it? Hate it!!
Junk Drawer–y/n? Where is it?This is embarresing....2 in the kitchen, 1 in the study, 4 in the dining room...oh my!
Kitchen–color and decorating scheme.chocolate brown oak cupboards, a basket, a fruit bowl, sorta plain
Love–what is your favorite part of homemaking?Being at home with the Goons. Baking, Cooking, Gardening!
Mop–y/n?nope, we get down on our hands and knees with the scrub brush!
Nylons, machine or hand wash?refruse to wear them, even in the bitter cold of winter!
Oven–do you use the window or open the oven to check?Open, and usually therefore forget that it is yorkshire puddings or something simular and they all sink!
Pizza–What do you put on yours?whatever is in the fridge
Quiet–What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?okay, you have obviously never been in my home! sometimes I get a cuppa, that is nice!
Recipe Card Box–y/n? What does it look like?i was given books, don't like them and am trying to find a nice plain box
Style of house–What style is your house?simple country, with pictures of Israel all over the walls, sorta an odd combination but I think it works
Tablecloths or Placemats? Tableclothe on Sunday usually or a special dinner, placemats for everyday
Under the kitchen sink–organized or toxic wasteland? Used to be Organized, now toxic dump
Vacuum–How many times per week? 2, once on Monday and once friday
Wash–How many loads of laundry do you do per week?5, 1 per weekday
Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off? yes, though it doesn't all get done
Yard–y/n? Who does what?yep, I do the veggie patch & flower beds, Hubby mows (I mow when he is away though)
ZZZ’s–what is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed? tidy up the kitchen
Friday, September 19, 2008
Well yesterday we finally got out to do a proper inspection of the damage done as Ike travelled up here and dumped nearly 20 cm of rain in 2 days. The corn was just forming lovely full ears, but Ike desided he didn't like corn and so pushed it down to the ground. As of yesterday the corn has picked itself up a bit and we are "hoping" that it can still grow in this sorry shape. This has never happened to us before so do any of you know what it'll do? It was 6 ft high before!
Our tomatoes have been ripped off of their support poles but are still turning red so today they will be re-tied.
In happier news the Monarchs are migrating and yesterday we had at least a dozen in our front flower beds. Probiblly more, but they were not willing to sit still to be counted! The Goons and I chased them from flower to flower to take pictures! Hope you enjoy them!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hip Hip Horray!
But my what a busy time it is! Missy and I have been busy this morning shelling beans
Hubby had been away for nearly a week (coming home for the weekend) so the children and I made apple sauce thanks to a wonderful recipe from a very dear friend! Of course I forgot to turn the stove down before hopping into the shower and came out the the heady aroma of burnt sauce! The bottom of the pot was thick with a layer of burnt on stuff and I thought it ruined but throwing in a great deal of baking powder and letting it sit for a week has done wonders in lifting it all off and it saved our pot!
Mum B has an amazing contraption from England she calls a "mully" and it helped in the completion of the entire bushel of apples.
You cook the apples WITH the skins on
Then with some turns of the crank the sauce is separated from the skins
and voila yummy apple sauce!
Oh how I adore Fall!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
First off Jenna do come for a visit you are desparetly missed...and have no fears a certain someone is now in Mississauga.
As you may know by past posts Hubby was able to take 7 weeks of paternity leave! but
you do not get paid during that time. The goverment puts you on some sort of E.I. and lets just say that when all was said and done and it came in it was equivaent to what Hubby would make in a week and a half.
we knew this was the case but it was hard to swallow! So I am busy organizing a garage sale to earn some $$$ well hoping for $$ at least.
Today the great organizing begins!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The locals are always excited as all week long the planes practice their lop-d-lops, suicide dives, races and such. All over town the evergreen of front lawns become patchwork quilts of red, blue, brown and all sorta of coloured t-shirts as the houses empty of kids to watch the amazing feats in the sky overhead.
On the day of the airshow the whole town seems to stop for a few hours and everywhere the roads are chuck full of cars illegally parked on the curb, trying to find that "perfect" viewing spot. Neighbours turn on the BBQs and host family picnics, friends from out of town arrive for the afternoon and dinner. the children run in circles straining to catch that first glimpse of the fighters, great fun for all...
But I am petrified.
Most people run out of their houses at the sound of the planes overhead, but as the sonic boom shakes me deep down to my core, it just makes me want to run. When the glass in the windows shake, I quiver. For the sake of the children I must put on a brave face and not run down and hide in the cold storage.
The majority of the population over here has never experienced war first or even second hand. They talk about it "happening over there" freely, never thinking that it could come across the Atlantic, as if there is an invisible wall over the ocean.
Years ago my family lived in Austria, which was the main NATO base during the Bosnian war. Air Raid sirens were a reality, counting the supply helicopters fly over our house (nearly always losing count after we reaced 100) was a reality, feeling the ground shake and learning to cruch up into a little ball "just in case" when the fighters passed over head to their targets was a reality. Listening to the public announcements and freaking out cause we could only speak english and no one would translate and explain the looks of terror on their faces, was a reality.
Having our school, A.I.S., bombed because it was American (and the US had just entered the war), arriving at school and not being able to get to my locker because of the fire, having 6 different types of gaurds and soliders then stationed at the school, seeing army transport trucks, troop carriers, guns in the open, all this was too a reality.
So forgive me if I do not enjoy the airshow, and please ignore the tears that stream down my face at the memories so vivid and fresh that the sounds of the aircraft remind me of.
I pray my children can still enjoy it, and will never have the associations with the jets that I have.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The flowers in our garden are coming to a close, but we are determined to enjoy the few that remain. The black eyed susans, obedience plant, salvia, hosta flowers, roses and snap dragons are still going strong. It is simply delightful to be able to bring some of God's creation into our homes to cheer it up and bring the outdoors in! Wouldn't you agree?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Yeah, so, yesterday I desided that I would have
-the Goons (all 3 of them) bathed and clothed ready to go to Lecture
-me looking stunning in a nice outfit for such
-dinner of BBQ chicken and veggie from our garden cooked
-set the table all nice and welcoming
-clean up from the kid chaos so that down stairs looks like adults actually live here
all before Hubby came home.
So I'm slogging away at folding and putting away Mt. WASHington and realize
Dinner isn't even started, let alone is the table set. Wife looks like, well um, not stunning.
So in the end Hubby finished washing the Goons while I cooked, we ate dinner and then i tore around trying to find the skirt I was going to wear (still not back to pre-preggy size yet) and decided to wear a nice hat....
hat is rather wild and so was wishing I had a different headcovering...oh well.
lesson learned.
We laughed while doing up carseats at my unrealistic goals.
Maybe next time I can actually have dinner on the table!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
So I've desided to try and update at least twice a week, just on daily hum drum of life here in our little community with 3 Goons to make life interessting.
Mr. Magoo starts scool in 2 weeks, Sprout is teething and thankfully Missy is taking life all in stride.
So starting tomorrow expect some proper updates including pics and recipes if i can get my brain around all the computer stuff.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I've been reading up about how oil prices are going up and that therefore prices of everything is and will continue too. I had to buy flour yesterday and the whole wheat was up to $16! from $9....but it is still cheaper to bake good bread then to buy the good healthy stuff!
I was reading a good article on how we need to make our household more self sufficient. So I think it is time for me to look into making more of the foods that we eat and buy less pre-made.
I only wish we could have chickens! we go through 18 eggs a week!
any other ideas?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I hate making lists. It isn't the list that drives me insane it is the fact that after making said list one of the following always happens:
1) I leave it at home on the kitchen counter
2) A very important ingredient is left off of said list and therefore I don't get it
3) I put the list down somewhere in the grocery store and cannot find it for ther est of the shop
Oiy! So D has made me a list on the computer of the basic items that we usually need. All I have to do is print it and cross out the items we do not need and voila! a list done in a couple minutes!
And....since it is printed on a regualr piece of paper #1 & 3 usually don't happen anymore.
On another note: we (the 3 Goons and I) went to pick up our veggie plants that we'd like to grow this summer. To our utter dismay the 3 usual places (Farmer's market & 2 local farms) only had peas, tomatoes, the wrong kind of letuce and cucumbers!
We are planning on planting corn, bush beans, carrots, leaks, brussel sprouts (a whole row!), tomatoes and the usual array of herbs.
As of writing this we only have the tomatoe and brussel sprout plants. So we still need to find a bunch of leak plants. All this cause Sprout #3 was about to arrive and therefore I was giving myself a break in not starting them inside....I've learn't my lesson!
Pics to follow soon!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The bassinet is made up
All the clothes washed, dryed and folded
2 batches of bread are bagged up and in the freezer
Kitchen cupboards have been scrubed
Dinners premade and frozen
Goons overnight box packed up
Hospital bag still empty...
Baby is NOT ready to come.....AHHHHHHHHH.......so frustrating!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Sorry have no idea how to rotate it!) Here they are eating the first course, pita & humus, olives & mini cucumber like they grow in Israel (the huge preggy lady took the pic) It was R & L's first ever Purim, we were so glad that they could come!
(Our center piece was brilliant I thought and the kids got a kick out of it!
After roast lamb, potaotes & broc/cauliflower we tucked in to the traditional dessert. Fruit and Haman's nose cookies with chocolate coins....no there are none left, so sorry!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
My wonderful sister taught me a couple years ago now how to make bread. Having broken 2 bread makers, I was not going to buy yet another replacement!
Bread making to me was intimidating. All that kneading, and timing, and oh dear me what if it didn't work! See I detest trying things that I don't think will work or that I won't do well, a fault of my flesh.
She had me over a couple times on her bread making days, and patiently showing me how and what and when to do everything. Now every second Monday is our bread making day at home. The Goons love digging their hands into the oey-goey dough and "helping" Mummy.
Bread making always reminds me of those mothers who have gone before us. Providing for their households and passing on the Truth to their little olive plants.
Jochebed would have ground grain and kneading the dough in her kneading trough while trying to hide her precious baby boy. Would it have been a time of prayer for Hannah, as she longed to have a child to stick his hand in and make a mess.
Actually going back to bread makers, I find doing 3-6 loafs at a time much less work then the little loaf that the machine spits out. Measurements don't have to be exact, and This way I only have to make the bread twice in a month, unless we give some away.
As an aside, a fresh loaf of bread, some homemade jam and a box of tea make the perfect "just because" gift.
So grab your big bowl, and get ready to get your hands dirty!
"I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread." Ps 132:15
Monday, January 21, 2008
As you are all well aware, I'm sure, I am in the major nesting stage. Linen closet has been tackled and finished. Flammables have been gathered up and placed in the coldstorage. Kitchen reorganized and cupboards all washed and scrubed clean.
Yesterday got me thinking....(scary I know, I know)
I'm doing all this preparation for the "Olive Plant" arriving (in less then 11 weeks!) and focusing on the house when I should really be focusing on my mind.
It's really just like a house, there is more then too much clutter, areas that need a good scrubing, and reorganizing our priorities.
So on that note I've decided to make some changes. Instead of just reading "good & clean" books (mainly Christian Fiction, but a warning not all in that section are good!) I'm going to read a section in Eureka for every book I rush through.
I need to reorganize our week too. We are ramdonly getting jobs done and preschool lessons thrown in here and there but I need to sit down and figure out a way to work our week.
I'll keep you posted, right now it is time for breakfast!